Home My First Cyber Interview

My First Cyber Interview

My First Cyber Interview

Oh, man, let me spill the beans about my first-ever interview – what a ride that was! It wasn’t like the questions were brain-busting or anything, but man, when I look back, I’m slapping my forehead thinking about how I could’ve really cranked up my prep game. Here’s the whole play-by-play:

So, they had me scheduled for this big interview at 3:15pm. I had a full week to get my act together. I started digging around for possible questions, thinking I had this whole thing somewhat figured out. But you know what happened as the days went by? Yep, I slowly realized my prep was like a leaky bucket.

As the interview day got closer, those jitters crept in like uninvited guests. You know that feeling when your nerves just decide to throw a party in your stomach? Yeah, that was me. I couldn’t shake off that “I’m-on-the-edge” vibe, and let me tell you, it did a number on my confidence during the actual interview. Looking back, it’s a big fat reminder that you’ve got to be extra, extra ready and have some ninja moves to wrangle those nerves.

Now, being a seasoned pro in my own right, I’ve gotta admit, no one ever taught me the secret handshake for keeping cool during interviews. But guess what? YouTube to the rescue! I dove into some videos, and they actually did help me step up my game for round two. Stuff like collecting answers for those FAQs so I could knock ‘em out with confidence, and doing those mock interviews with buddies – turns out, it’s like a secret weapon.

So yeah, that’s the scoop from my side of the interview circus. You live and learn, right?


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